vixalien's blog

Hello! I'm Angelo Verlain, but you can call me vixalien. I am a web and GTK developer and this is my website, a collection of projects and writings.



Workbench + TypeScript →

Quickly prototyping and iterating on typesafe GNOME apps.

My Alpine SetupMy Alpine Setup →

Exploring a minimal but nice alpine setup.

How River WorksHow River Works →

A simple photostream webapp that (currently) gets images from VSCO.
#code · #projects · #explained


20222022 →

A year of change and adaption.

Setting up React Cosmos in Remix →

Build a sandbox for developing and testing UI components in Remix.
#code · #tutorial

Hello Deno Blog!Hello Deno Blog! →

Converting my blog to Deno. Spoiler Alert: it's easy and fast!

Setup GitSetup Git →

How I set up Git on my systems with using opinionated defaults.
#code · #tutorial


Building a blog with Explosiv →

Building a static lightweight and fast blog with Explosiv.
#code · #tutorial

How Rabbet Works →

A lightweight site that allow you to build pages from links.
#code · #projects · #explained

Learn Git! →

Learn to use Git, a popular Distributed Control System to effectively collaborate and manage your software projects.
#tutorial · #code

Let it snow! →

Building an optimized snowing weather with the Web Animations API and Promises.
#projects · #code

How Explosiv Works →

The most lightweight, yet fully featured static-site generator you'll see.
#code · #projects · #explained

Contact & Links

© Angelo Verlain 2024